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Session #2: Silhouettes

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"Student Life: Still We Rise"

Ruby Chacon

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Cats Cradle

Kakyoung Lee

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Damali Abrams

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Always a River

Women in Migration, UMFA A.C.M.E. & IiS

Mobility & Temporality During Covid-19
A Migratory Times Salon, May 4, 2020.
The Pandemic is a Portal
An online teach-in with Arundhati Roy. Haymarket Books is an independent, radical, non-profit publisher. Every dollar we take in from book sales and donations goes directly to support our project of publishing books for changing the world—a project has never been more necessary or more urgent. We need your help to continue to do the work. While all of our events are freely available, we ask that those who are able make a solidarity donation in support of our continuing to do this work.

La expresión “estamos viviendo un momento interesante” nunca fue más cierta que ahora. Desde que la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) declaró una pandemia global por el nuevo coronavirus, llamado Covid-19, la mayoría de los medios de comunicación e internet desbordan información y desinformación sobre el virus, la forma de contraerlo, la forma de contagio y la mejor manera de protegernos a nosotros/as mismos/as y nuestros seres queridos. Yo también me siento perdida en múltiples laberintos de información y actualización sobre el virus, y me inquietan mis seres queridos, amigos/as y compañeros/as de trabajo del mundo entero. En estos tiempos de cuarentena y aislamiento tanto recomendados y decretados, como autoimpuestos, internet y otras tecnologías de comunicación se han convertido en un salvavidas para mucha gente.

The saying “we live in interesting times” has never been more true than it is now. With the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring the novel coronavirus, Covid-19, a global pandemic, most news outlets and the internet are flooded with both information and misinformation about the virus, how it’s contracted, how it’s spread and how people can protect themselves and their loved ones from contracting it. I too find myself lost in various wormholes of information and updates about the virus, as I worry about my loved ones, friends and workmates scattered across the world. In this time of self and enforced quarantine and isolation, the internet and other communication technologies have become a lifeline for many people.

Corona Song by Isa Massu
By Isa Massu
Destiny’s Home: Part 2: The House
Destiny’s Home: Staying Planted
Salon with the Institute of (Im)Possible Subjects – Silhouettes: Migration, (Un)Documented, and Pedagogies – Part 1
A conversation regarding pedagogies, documentation and migration. Featured: Listening to Sonia Guiñansaca “Bursting of photographs after trying to squeeze out old memories” and work by Ruby Chacon. Contributors: Crystal Baik, Dalida Maria Benfield, Jose Manuel Cortez, Cindy Cruz, Annie Isabel Fukushima, Sarita Gaytan, and Juan Herrera. October 17, 2017.
Salon with the Institute of (Im)Possible Subjects – Silhouettes: Migration, (Un)Documented, and Pedagogies – Part 2
Salon with the Institute of (Im)Possible Subjects – Silhouettes: Migration, (Un)Documented, and Pedagogies This video is a continuation from the video: A discussion ensues regarding the work of Ruby Chacon.
Christmas in our hearts by RESBAK
"Christmas In Our Hearts (Reloaded)" takes after a song by the same title by Jose Mari Chan -- one of the most enduring original Filipino music compositions about the Christmas season in the Philippines. The collaborators who worked on the video, however, in no way intend to demean or disparage the song but hope to connect it to the spirit of the birth of Christ which is to bring hope to the suffering Filipino masses. This video is the first of many works that artists of RESBAK (Respond and Break the Silence Against the Killings) plan to produce in the campaign against the killings.
ACME: Women in Migration
Women in Migration Video by Utah Museum of Fine Arts A.C.M.E.
Women in Migration – Always a River
Women in Migration, April 27, Salt Lake City Public Library, Main Library. Workshop Participants tell their stories of migration -Always a River by Jean, Alex, Akiva & Dalida. IiS collaboration with UMFA ACME
mujeres en migración – Maria y Jorge
Mujeres en Migración. Jueves 27 de abril. Biblioteca pública de Salt Lake City, biblioteca principal. Los participantes del taller cuentan sus historias sobre la migración, María y Jorge. IiS colaboración con UMFA ACME.
Mujeres en Migración – Yehemy, Veronica, y Alejandra
Mujeres en Migración. Biblioteca pública de Salt Lake City, biblioteca principal. Los participantes del taller cuentan sus historias de migración: Yehemy, Veronica y Alejandra IiS colaboración con UMFA ACME.
Women in Migration – Romeo and Ashley
Women in Migration. Salt Lake City Public Library, Main Library Workshop Participants tell their stories of migration -Romeo and Ashley. IiS collaboration with UMFA ACME.
Women in Migration – Jean, Alex, Akiva, & Dalida
Women in Migration. Thursday, April 27. Salt Lake City Public Library, Main Library. Workshop Participants tell their stories of migration - by Jean, Alex, Akiva & Dalida. IiS Collaboration with UMFA A.C.M.E.
Women in Migration – Kylee, Andrew, Emily, Christina
Women in Migration. Thursday, April 27. Salt Lake City Public Library, Main Library. Workshop Participants tell their stories of migration - Kaylee, Emily, Andrew, & Christina. IiS in collaboration with the UMFA ACME sessions.
The Institute of ImPossible Subjects
Tweets by instofimpsub